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Kirstie Myvett
Jan 21, 2019
Praline Lady
In the 19th and 20th centuries, many African American women sold goods on the streets of the French Quarter (and throughout the United...
Kirstie Myvett
Aug 6, 2013
Country Fun Natchitoches Part II
I visited Melrose Plantation and had high expectations but was a little disappointed. There were a LOT of additions and changes to the...
Kirstie Myvett
Jul 9, 2013
Country fun in Natchitoches – Part I
I love the country and maybe it’s because I’m a down home southern girl. Anyway, as much as I love the country I’ve come to the...
Kirstie Myvett
Jun 3, 2013
Putting your time into something that will outlive you
I hope everyone is fine and enjoying their summer. It’s been hot and muggy here in the “dirty” and I’ve already burned my skin...
Kirstie Myvett
Jul 13, 2012
The Best Things In Life ARE Free
I’m always at the park but today was a really good park day. It was overcast with no sweltering sun rays to cook us. We enjoyed...
Kirstie Myvett
Jun 4, 2012
Swamp Tour
I chaperoned on a swamp tour with my son’s class and although there wasn’t much to see beside gators I thought the view was quite peaceful.
Kirstie Myvett
May 11, 2012
May 21, 2005 – Old Journal Entry
Awesome has slept so much today. He must be growing. I think he’s over the stomach flu because he hasn’t vomited anymore. His toes look...
Kirstie Myvett
May 3, 2012
French Quarter Festival
There’s ALWAYS a festival in New Orleans and there’s ALWAYS great food to be had! It was such a perfect warm day on Friday of the...
Kirstie Myvett
Apr 13, 2012
Sistah Retreat
The retreat was hosted at Ashe Cultural Center and started with a spiritual cleansing with Florida water. It smelled lovely and had...
Kirstie Myvett
Nov 17, 2011
Time Well Spent
For ME time well spent is doing any one of the following: * Walking/ Running * Praying * Reading and growing my mind * Spending...
Kirstie Myvett
Oct 14, 2011
Tips for Individual Day of Prayer Retreat
I’m so excited to have finally gone on retreat. You see when I was a girl attending a Catholic school retreat was a normal part of our...
Kirstie Myvett
Oct 9, 2011
Retreat Part II
I didn’t arrive at the retreat center until 10:20 a.m. and was quickly led to my room which was quaint and simply decorated. There was a...
Kirstie Myvett
Oct 6, 2011
Retreat Part I
This plaque was on the wall in the lobby & caused me to pause & reflect on this truth every time I passed it I have LONGED to go on...
Kirstie Myvett
Sep 26, 2011
My Birthday Party/ Fundraiser
I was inspired by NikStar to have a Paint Party after reading about her fun experience recently. I wanted to make this party more than...
Kirstie Myvett
Sep 15, 2011
New Orleans African American Museum
When you say African-American AND history my interest is immediately peaked. There is a list of things I’d like to do now that I’m back...
Kirstie Myvett
Aug 15, 2011
Moss draped trees
I love nature’s beauty and moss draped trees are top on my list of things I LOVE. These trees are so peaceful looking and remind me of...
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